[Up]: Storage API : Recent Emails

Recent Emails

Script path: /storage/bin/api/recent_emails.cgi

Description:   Get the recent emails addresses used by the user in Storage applications (currently from dropfile)


sid => session id

ofmt => output format, defaults to JSON format (minimal white space)
if ofmt=jsonp - return in JSON pretty-printed format

OUTPUT (content-type: text/plain)

    JSON output object:

"status" : true | false // true if successful, false otherwise

"errmsg" : "error message, if status is false"

"list_lth" : N, // N will correspond to the number of elements in the list
 "list" : [ email0, email1, email2, ... ]

Example of a successful return:

"status" : true,
"errmsg" : "",
"list_lth" : 17,
"list" : [
"\"曾向实\" sschan@noc.afteroffice.com",
"sschan@pd.jaring.my, sschan@lookafter.com",
"\"SS Chan\" sschan@afteroffice.com",
"\"S S Chan\" <sschan@afteroffice.com>",

Example of an unsuccessful return:

"http_status" : "401 Invalid user profile",
"status" : false,
"errmsg" : "Invalid user profile."

In all cases, appropriate HTTP header status codes are also returned e.g. 200 OK, 401 Invalid user
profile, etc.